Sunday, August 7, 2011


1Malaysia is an ongoing program designed by Malaysian Prime Minister. For me the meaning of 1Malaysia is unity. We need to act as one that is why there is 1 in 1Malaysia. Many people do not really understand the concept of 1Malaysia. Even me, I am a bit confused about this. But on my opinion 1Malaysia concept is the idea about making all Malaysians of different ethnicity and religions to fully understand and respect each others' cultures, and to live together, work hand in hand and the sharing of responsibilities to make a better future for Malaysia in terms of social economy and political stability. There is one interview Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said that Malaysians should discard their ethnic silo mentality and Malaysians must stand together, think and act as one people under the 1Malaysia concept. Lets break away from operating in the ethnic prism as we have done over so many years. This is also the meaning of the '1Malaysia' concept. We must respect each other, go beyond tolerance and build trust among each other and build trust between various ethnic groups. That is what he told on the interview. 1Malaysia should be about being equal, race especially states. As we all know west and east Malaysia has a big difference or gap. A common identity for all Malaysians regardless of race, religion or creed. No more Malaysian Indian, Malaysian Chinese, etc. We will be called Malaysians as one. But will every Malaysians be able to practice this concept since few of us has used living in this bias country?

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