Sunday, August 14, 2011


My perception for a perfect day is when I wake up with my love ones. A smile is put on our faces. Sadness, fears, sorrows, worries and problems are gone. All of us will go to a park and picnic. Then go to the zoo together with my family. Its been 11 years since my last visit to a zoo which in Manila Zoo. Be able to feed the animals in the zoo. That will be exiting to do. Then watch movie together. My perception of a perfect day is when I enjoy, laugh and spend time with my family. Because since I was in high school, I never had a chance to spend time longer with my family. Being with your love one will be such a perfect day. I will be glad if I spend my perfect day with them. A perfect day where all problems are left alone. It will be more perfect when it is my favorite weather, I do not have to be at school just with my family, our health is good and we are feeling fine, with no pressing obligations, and some extra money in my pocket that I can spend any way I want and I would not allow any negative input into my mind. I’d follow a wise mans words: happiness is a choice and I choose to be happy. This is my perception of a perfect day but being with my family is already a perfect day. Without any movie, picnic or going to the zoo. Just having them by my side, hugging each other because I really miss them specially my mother and my sister (and her two children). I LOVE MY FAMILY. I LOVE MY MOTHER AND MY SISTER. :)

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