Wednesday, July 13, 2011


A picture paints a thousand words. Everyone has its own explanation about this idiom. Base on my research, this quote was one Chinese proverb long ago and allegedly first made by Confucius. This idiom says that a visualization is a better description than a verbal description. Simply put, it means that a picture will be far more descriptive of something than words can ever be or put it another way, no matter how hard you try, you cannot beat a visual presentation. In other words, sometimes, too much words are hardly to get what is the real story or meaning behind that many words but if you are looking at a picture, the picture itself will tell you the story or meaning behind that. 
I found this photo while I was doing my assignment for my history. This picture shows a sculpture. But behind the sculpture I felt different. The picture was full of emotional. Its shows that a man was trying to stand by holding on to a wall. As you can see, the man was naked. Maybe the man is poor or he was kidnapped or beaten by gangster who were asking for money and get thrown by the roadside naked. Sometimes a picture can communicate more succinctly than words. I think that this sculpture gets over, brilliantly, the emotional state that exists when you are frustrated, in a state of despair, finding it hard to go on and wanting to give in. Although the creator probably had in mind an extreme situation, it also works as an exaggerated expression of more mundane frustrations that sap your enthusiasm and make you question the benefit of going on.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


1. petrified
extremely frightened
2. modest
not large in size or amount, or not expensive
3. piddle
urine, or an act of urinating
4. pincer
one of a pair of curved claws of an animal such as a crab
5. appraise
to examine someone or something in order to judge their qualities, success or needs
6. redundancy
the situation when someone loses their job because their employer does not need them
7. combustible
able to burn easily
8. uproar
when a lot of people complain about something angrily
9. inadmissible
unable to be accepted in a law court
10. incentive
something which encourages a person to do something
11. macrocosm
any large organized system considered as a whole, rather than as a group of smaller systems
12. pivot
•a fixed point supporting something which turns or balances
•the central or most important person or thing in a situation
13. tout
• to advertise, make known or praise something or someone repeatedly, especially as a way of encouraging their sale, popularity or development
•to repeatedly try to persuade people to buy your goods or services
14. tousled
describing or having hair that looks untidy, as if it has been rubbed
15. liaison
•communication between people or groups who work with each other
• someone who helps groups to work effectively with each other
16. biathlon
a sports competition which combines skiing and shooting a rifle (gun)
17. diocese
in the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican (Church of England) church, an area controlled by a bishop
18. fizzle
• to gradually end
• to make a weak continuous 's' sound
19. insidious
(of something unpleasant or dangerous) gradually and secretly causing harm
20. fumble
 to do something awkwardly, especially when using your hands
21. furrow
a long line or hollow which is formed or cut into the surface of something
22. bellow
to shout in a loud voice, or (of a cow or large animal) to make a loud, deep sound
23. amalgamate
to join or unite to form a larger organization or group, or to make separate organizations do this
24. banns
a public announcement, made in a church, that two people are going to get married
25. bandy
(of legs) bending out at the knees
26. blip
•a small spot of light, sometimes with a short sharp sound, that appears on a radar screen, or a sudden sharp V-shaped bend in a line on a computer screen
•a temporary change that does not have any special meaning
27. blotch
a mark that is not regular in shape, for example on a person's skin
28. brogue
an Irish or sometimes Scottish way of speaking English
29. deem
to consider or judge something in a particular way
30. decency
 behaviour that is good, moral and acceptable in society
31. expedite
to cause to be done more quickly; to hurry
32. exhilarate
to give someone strong feelings of happiness and excitement
33. nautical
relating to ships, sailing or sailors
34. semolina
a powder made from crushed wheat used for making pasta and, especially in Britain in the past, for making sweet dishes
35. sham
something which is not what it seems to be and is intended to deceive people, or someone who pretends to be something they are not
36. shambles
a state of confusion, bad organization or untidiness, or something which is in this state
37. sickle
a tool with a short handle and a curved blade, used for cutting grass and grain crops
38. stint
a fixed or limited period of time spent doing a particular job or activity
39. octane
a chemical in petrol
40. odious
extremely unpleasant; causing and deserving hate
41. ruminate
to think carefully and for a long period about something
42. rowdy
noisy and possibly violent
43. sag
•to drop down to a lower level in the middle
•to become weaker
44. saccharine
too sweet or too polite
45. tycoon
a person who has succeeded in business or industry and has become very rich and powerful
46. grasp
to quickly take something in your hand(s) and hold it firmly
47. bridle
a set of leather strips that are put around a horse's head to allow its rider to control it
48. bursar
the person in a college, school or university who is responsible for controlling its money
49. compensate
to pay someone money in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged or for some problem
50. cougar
a large brown wild cat that lives in North and South America
51. crumb
a small amount of something
52. desiccated
not interesting or completely without imagination
53. destitute
without money, food, a home or possessions
54. inception
the beginning of an organization or official activity
55. dromedary
a type of camel (a large animal that lives in the desert) with one hump (raised area) on its back
56. epilogue
a speech or piece of text which is added to the end of a play or book, often giving a short statement about what happens to the characters after the play or book finishes
57. eponym
the name of an object or activity which is also the name of the person who first produced the object or did the activity
58. extol
to praise something or someone very much
59. extempore
done or said without any preparation or thought
60. fallacious
not correct
61. flounce
to walk with large noticeable movements, especially to attract attention or show that you are angry
62. gabble
to speak quickly and not clearly so that it is difficult to understand
63. haunch
 one of the back legs of an animal with four legs that is used for meat
64. haul
to pull something heavy slowly and with difficulty
65. impregnate
to cause something, usually a solid substance, to absorb something, usually a liquid
66. isthmus
a narrow piece of land with water on each side which joins two larger areas of land
67. jostle
to knock or push roughly against someone in order to move past them or get more space when you are in a crowd of people
68. jocose
humorous or playful
69. latch
a device for keeping a door or gate closed that consists of a metal bar which fits into a hole and which is lifted by pushing down on another bar
70. layette
a complete set of clothes, sheets, bed covers and the other things needed for a baby who has recently been born
71. mallard
a wild duck that is common in Europe and North America
72. mitten
a type of glove with a single part for all the fingers and a separate part for the thumb
73. naval
belonging to a country's navy, or relating to military ships
74. nymph
(in ancient Greek and Roman traditional stories) a goddess or spirit in the form of a young woman, living in a tree, river, mountain, etc.
75. penury
the state of being extremely poor
76. prevalent
existing very commonly or happening often
77. putative
generally thought to be or to exist, whether or not this is really true
78. querulous
often complaining, especially in a weak high voice
79. remunerate
to pay someone for work or services
80. saffron
a dark yellow substance obtained from a flower and used as a spice to give colour and flavour to food
81. scruple
a feeling that prevents you from doing something that you think is morally wrong or makes you uncertain about doing it
82. spruce
an evergreen (never losing its leaves) tree with leaves like needles, or the wood from this tree which is a pale colour
83. stupendous
very surprising, usually in a pleasing way, especially by being large in amount or size
to feel a lot of pleasure, love, etc. because of something or someone
85. tantalize
to make someone feel excited or attracted by an offer or a suggestion of something which is, in fact, unlikely to happen
86. thrash
to hit a person or animal hard many times as a punishment
87. trance
a temporary mental condition in which someone is not completely conscious of and/or not in control of themselves and of what is happening to them
88. tranquil
calm and peaceful and without noise, violence, worry, etc.
89. usurp
to take control or a position of power, especially without having the right to
90. vixen
a female fox
91. voluptuous
describes an experience or object that gives you a lot of pleasure because it feels extremely soft and comfortable or it sounds or looks extremely beautiful
92. vulnerable
able to be easily physically, emotionally, or mentally hurt, influenced or attacked
93. whorl
a circular pattern of lines, with the smallest circle in the middle, surrounded by other circles, each one wider and larger than the previous one
94. wisp
a thin, delicate piece of hair/grass, etc
95. wreath
an arrangement of flowers and leaves in a circular shape, which is used as a decoration or as a sign of respect and remembrance for a person who has died
96. wrangle
an argument, especially one which continues for a long period of time
97. yodel
to sing by making a series of very fast changes between the natural voice and a much higher voice
a wooden bar which is fastened over the necks of two animals, especially cattle, and connected to the vehicle or load that they are pulling
99. zither
a musical instrument shaped like a flat box, which has many strings that you pull at with your fingers or with a small piece of plastic
100. zest
enthusiasm, eagerness, energy and interest