Tuesday, October 5, 2010


 "no risk no life"
in every top of the mountain, there is success

Everything happens for a reason.. Like what im doing now. I am composing my own post in blog. It happen for a reason. We were given this task for our english class. But before i start talking about my post, let me introduce myself first. My name is Nabilah Bti Maruf. I am 17 years old. I have four stepbrothers and one stepsister. I came from a broken family. But that won't stop me from pursuing my goals that I've been dreaming of. 

Lets move back to my topic.
when you hear or read the quotation "LIFE IS A RISK"
what comes out your mind?

Almost all things and events in the world there is a risk. 
Even when we sit on a chair, there is a risk. Crossing the highway, shopping in the malls, texting with strangers, etc.
In our daily activities you will see a risk on it.
Like i mentioned just now, you will find a risk even when you just simply sit on a chair. What is the risk in there? Well, there will be possibility that you will fall down from the chair if you dont sit on it correctly. That's one of the risk. 
Try to observe the image below:


What are the risks you can find in the image above? 
When climbing a mountain, here are the risk that i can think of:
  • death due to incompetence 
  • avalanche
  • fallen into hidden crevasses
That's just three possibilities risk that may happen during climbing a mountain. Sadly, at times it is just a matter of bad luck- like being at the wrong place at the wrong time. There is no mountain worth dying for. Only when you are alive could you continue to enjoy the fullness of life and pursue new adventures.

Risk is everywhere, therefore life is a risk. But no matter what happen, try to overcome all of the risk that may come into your life. Because "EVERYTHING HAPPEN FOR A REASON".